Recent posts
10 things to avoid in conversation with co-workers
Here are 10 things you should never say at work.
AllTuts theme for, updated for BE v2.6
Previously I’ve published BlogEngine theme AllTuts based on original Wordpress theme. This theme is now updated for BlogEngine v2.6
AllTuts theme for, updated for BE v2.5
Previously I’ve published BlogEngine theme AllTuts based on original Wordpress theme. This theme is now updated for BlogEngine v2.5 and added to the online g...
Blamer can not become Leader
Tanmay Vora has just posted on Leadership. I liked most are three points which is mostly necessary for a leader.
Visual Studio and Package Management
All of you have used the latest and greatest open source software in your .net based applications. And you already know that it is hard to figure out the be...